Eight-year-old CLementine, convinced that she has no talents, tried to find a way to avoid participating in the class talent show.

Margarita, la amiga de Clementina, va a ayudarla para conseguir un talento en el festival de la escuela, pero parece que todos sus intentos fallan. Al final, ni la misma Clementina hubiera sospechado cuál era su útil talento.


by Yona Zeldis McDonough and Marla Frazee

Published 15 February 2018
While sorting through difficulties in her friendship with her neighbor Margaret, eight-year-old Clementine gains several unique hairstyles while also helping her father in his efforts to banish pigeons from the front of their apartment building.

Clementina es una niña de ocho años y todos piensan que tiene problemas de atención, pero lo que sucede es que pone atención a lo que otros no ven, por eso se mete en problemas y vive divertidas aventuras.