
by Dr Robert Johnson

Published 30 April 2013
For History Teachers who want their weekend back. A TEACHING GUIDE WITH COPIABLE WORKSHEETS FOR STUDENTS AND A CD PACK This book includes teaching guidance and copiable worksheets on: Introduction to Warfare The Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars 1792-1807 The Napoleonic Wars 1807-1815 Peace and reaction 1815-1854 The Crimean War1854-1856 and the Italian Wars of Unification 1859-61 The American Civil War The Wars of German Unification Minor Wars: China, Japan and the Ottoman Empire, the Indian States and the Zulus Minor Wars, Colonial Wars in Africa, America and Asia 1873-1899 The South-African War 1899-1902 and the Russo-Japanese War 1904-5 The First World War and defence Total War Conclusions: Warfare and the experience of war