Gold Fever

by Robert Anderson

Published May 1997

The Gun Hand

by Robert Anderson

Published 30 January 2009
Johnny Royal had lived on his wits and his gun ever since he'd left home following a foolish argument. Years later he was heading back, wary of the welcome a prodigal son could expect from hard working, honest parents - until the shooting started. Young Mariella needed his protection, and that decision was confirmed once he met the beautiful local rancher, Sarah. Rustlers and outlaws had dominated the neighbourhood since Sarah's powerful grandfather had been taken ill, and an old crime masterminded by her uncle had returned to haunt them. Aided by the grizzled old ranch foreman and Sarah, Johnny began to blaze a path of destruction through the forces set against them, searching for her uncle's ill-gotten gains in the teeth of the outlaw's meanest gunslingers.

Renegade Gold

by Robert Anderson

Published 31 March 2008
Kit Napier was a drunk despised by the good folk of Goldrush until an Indian uprising forced him to rediscover his lost skills as a scout for the army. It wasn't the Indians who started the war, rather those white men plotting to supply them with guns for payment in gold. But, once Kit had escaped his fate at the hands of the red men, that payment was destined to be made in blood.In an unlikely partnership with a girl from the saloon, he fought both the renegade Indians and treacherous members of his own race. Would his desperate bid to prevent the territory going up in flames succeed?