Barron's Test Prep
2 total works
Updated with more memory tips, expanded review exercises, and an alphabetical word index, the new edition of this popular vocabulary-building book presents and defines more than 365 words that frequently appear on SAT exams. The book is divided into 35 lessons, each lesson consisting of a word cluster. Each cluster contains words that have similar meanings or apply to similar circumstances. For instance, students encounter the words conciliate, mediate, and mitigate, and learn how they have different meanings that can sometimes be confused. A review exercise follows every five lessons with questions that closely reflect those found on the actual SAT.
This helpful book for college-bound students presents and defines more than 250 words that appear in the verbal portions of the ACT exam. Also included are real test taker's anecdotes, memory tips, review exercises, and an alphabetical word index. Lessons provide numerous illustrative sentences using vocabulary relevant to the ACT English, Reading, and Writing tests.
College-bound students who successfully complete the book's exercises and master these words will expand their lifelong vocabulary, enrich their essay writing and speaking, and improve their chances for acceptance at the colleges of their choice.
College-bound students who successfully complete the book's exercises and master these words will expand their lifelong vocabulary, enrich their essay writing and speaking, and improve their chances for acceptance at the colleges of their choice.