Highly successful in hardback and now available in paperback, Total Quality Learning will help students of management, management trainers and line managers to develop the ability to assess and improve their management skills.The book demonstrates that by developing a parallel approach to learning and innovation the very substance of business can be transformed. The fundamental disciplines of production and marketing, finance and human resource management can be recast so that the whole of an individual business can be learning and innovating simultaneously. Out of such total learning arises true quality and commercial success.Lessem, who has developed the first truly integrated approach to individual and organizational learning:* Introduces key management and leadership skills* Maps the route to individual self-improvement* Uses charts and checklists to help managers assess and improve their management skills.

Companies today that want to retain talented staff have to provide them with continuing oppotunities for professional and managerial development. this will become increasingly important as the demographic reality of fewer young people in the market place begins to take effect. There will be increasingly attention upon individualized learning and development as ways of motivating and rewarding staff. This is developmental management. In this book, the auhtor explains the principles involved and examines the changes that will occur. He identifies the three key aspects of management development - self awareness, managerial skill and business knowledge. The book is designed to help managers assess and develop themselves in these three areas. The book includes the following: charts, checklists and questionnaires to help managers assess and improve their management skills; a personal inventory foe managers to assess their management style; and, self assessments for managers to gauge their skill and knowledge development.