Lawful Pursuit

by Michael Underwood

Published 6 October 1992

Six men have failed to appear in a West End court, so it's time for Scotland Yard to make a few undercover enquiries. They enlist the help of Detective-Constable Cordari, who leads them to a mysterious organisation smuggling criminals out of the country.

There ensues a relentless chase that moves to Algeria and back to London. In the meantime, Cordari has vanished in the same horribly mysterious way as others before him.

'A plot that grows to grim and sinister proportions. An ingenious story with plenty of excitement' Manchester Evening News

Death by Misadventure

by Michael Underwood

Published 5 March 1991

A police officer needs the quickness and guile of a bookmaker, the ingenuity of a psychiatrist and the physical reserves of a Marine, or so it seems to Detective Chief Superintendent Manton, who is called in to investigate a huge bullion robbery and its possible link with the death of a solicitor in a car crash.

But even when a supposed double murderer is charged and tried there is still a taunting question mark over the case. Whose was the brain that planned the audacious gold robbery and does Manton know enough about the criminal mind to find out?

Anxious Conspirator

by Michael Underwood

Published November 1965

'Roger waited but nothing further came. Dayne's expression, however, told its story. A story of fear and cunning ...'

Tony Dayne's predicament presents a problem. The English police had promised him escape and immunity for feeding them all he knew about his partners in an international counterfeiting ring.

But an accident and an over-zealous policeman gets Tony pulled during the raid. The best the police can do for him is appoint a young lawyer, Roger Elwin, who does some detecting that takes him as far afield as Vienna and the violent end of yet another conspirator.

Death on Remand

by Michael Underwood

Published 3 October 1989

A whodunnit in the best blood-tingling tradition, which keeps the reader gasping and guessing till the last page.

Although Julian Prentice is a small-time crook, his theft of a car hardly seems to warrant someone's very deliberate attempt to kill him on the day he is released from prison.

The final roll-call of suspects comes to six, with six apparently foolproof alibis. Yet someone is lying. It falls to Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton to work out who ...

Cause of Death

by Michael Underwood

Published 13 October 1987

When Mrs Sophie Easterberg is found dead on her bedroom floor in the picturesque village of Five Meadows, it is apparent she has been murdered.

The obvious suspect is Dave Lucas, an ex-borstal boy recently employed by her, who has since disappeared.

Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton of Scotland Yard is despatched to take charge of the case. He soon tracks Lucas down. But is he guilty? And, even if he is, would a jury convict him?