Book 1


by Louise A Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 20 April 2006

Book 1


by Louise A Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 20 April 2006

Book 1


by Louise A Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 20 April 2006

Book 1


by Louise A Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 20 April 2006

Book 1


by Louise Spilsbury and Richard Spilsbury

Published 18 April 2006
This is a valuable resource full of practical advice for children on keeping pets. Each book explains exactly what it is like to own a pet, how to look after it and what health problems it could face. With a crisp design to grab young readers' attention, it provides teachers with a range of text types for literacy work; and, gives a real sense of what it is like to own a pet.


by Louise Spilsbury

Published 18 April 2006
This is a valuable resource full of practical advice for children on keeping pets. Each book explains exactly what it is like to own a pet, how to look after it and what health problems it could face. With a crisp design to grab young readers' attention, it provides teachers with a range of text types for literacy work; and, gives a real sense of what it is like to own a pet.


by Louise Spilsbury

Published 18 April 2006
This book explores the fun parts about keeping dogs, and looks at their natural behaviour. It describes how to properly care for a dog including feeding, grooming, and health problems. The book also contains expert tips on dog care.