Overcoming Books
2 total works
Overcoming Your Child's Shyness and Social Anxiety
by Lucy Willetts and Cathy Creswell
Many children are naturally shy but extreme shyness and social anxiety can become a major childhood problem, leading to avoidance of school, difficulty in making friends and even developing into social anxiety in adulthood.
In Overcoming Your Child's Shyness and Social Anxiety, child psychologists Lucy Willetts and Cathy Creswell explain how parents can help a shy child learn to challenge their thoughts and behaviour patterns and learn to participate confidently in every aspect of their lives.
Based on clinically proven CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) principles, the book explains what causes shyness, how to identify social anxiety in your child (sometimes masked by anger or stubbornness) and how to gradually help your child face their anxieties and develop problem-solving strategies. This book is a must for parents, teachers and anyone working with children.
Overcoming Your Child's Fears and Worries
by Cathy Creswell and Lucy Willetts
Around 15% of children are thought to suffer from anxiety disorders, the most commonly identified emotional or behavioural problems among children. Based on techniques developed and practised by the authors, this book teaches parents how to use cognitive behavioural techniques with their children and in so doing, become their child's therapist, helping them to overcome any fears, worries and phobias.
Addresses specific fears and phobias as well as general anxiety and 'worrying'.
Provides step-by-step practical strategies.
Includes case studies, worksheets and charts.
Based on the authors' experience at their anxiety disorders clinic at the University of Reading and developed from a programme based on working almost exclusively with parents.