Book 1

A young girl has resigned herself to being he next sacrificial meal for theBeast King...but the king is no mere monster! Love is more than skin-deep inthis gorgeous fantasy manga.

Book 1

Happily-ever-afters only truly happen in fairy tales—so although Leonhart and Sariphi’s story has come to a close, their son, Richard’s, has only just begun...With a foot in both the Yoana and Ozmargo, and an important coming-of-age ceremony on the horizon, he sets off on a journey to prepare himself physically and spiritually...

Book 2

A young girl has resigned
herself to being he next sacrificial meal for the Beast King...but the king is
no mere monster! Love is more than skin-deep in this gorgeous fantasy

Book 3

Sariphi's childhood friend, Ilya, infiltrates the royal palace, intent onavenging her! Upon learning that she is alive and has escaped her brutal fatethanks to the mercy of the beast king, Ilya insists on returning to the humanrealm with her. When Sariphi refuses to join him, Ilya knocks her out and makesoff with her! Wishing for nothing more than Sariphi's happiness, the kinghesitates to give chase. Will Leo and Sari's story come to an abrupt end...?

Book 4

Sariphi is confronted witha new challenge to prove herself worthy of becoming Queen--to welcome themysterious Duke Galoa on his visit to the palace. But the Duke is rumored to bea fearsome warrior with an ever-burning hatred of all things human. Sariphidevotes herself to learning every step of every dance and every detail of palaceetiquette, but what will she do if Galoa refuses to so much as disguise hisblatant loathing of humankind?

Book 5

Having successfully entertained the true Duke Galoa,Sariphi has triumphed in the trials concocted to test her capacity to be Queen.However, her success has infuriated Chancellor Anubis. As Sariphi searches for abook alone in the library, Anubis approaches her...but what is the historybetween the King and his Chancellor, whose family has served the royal line forgenerations?

Book 6

The Grand Consecration tocelebrate the founding of the Kingdom of Ozmargo is nigh...but the king ofbeasts remains in his human form despite the dawn! Thanks to Sariphi's quickthinking, disaster is averted and the ceremony goes off without a hitch,prompting Chancellor Anubis to declare an end to Sariphi's trials. But havingassumed the role of Acting Queen, Sariphi is faced with her first job...whichjust might turn out to be insurmountable!

Book 7

Sariphi has carried out her first officialjob as Acting Queen-giving a royal blessing to the newborn prince of the nationof Sarbur. That night, Leonhart summons her, and when they are alone, he tellsSariphi of his violent past, which only deepens their bond. But just as Sariphiis sure that nothing could ever come between them, she is tasked with anunthinkable duty...

Book 8

As Acting Queen, one ofSariphi's duties is to soothe and comfort the citizens of Ozmargo. Embarking ona journey for this purpose, Sariphi is joined by Randbert, the Captain of theRoyal Bodyguards. Randbert's words and actions are anything but royal, and theyshake everyone's faith in him...everyone besides Sariphi. But when Lord Brown,the local governor, is attacked, suspicion falls on Randbert. Will Sariphi'strust be enough to clear him? And after being separated from Leonhart for solong, what awaits Sariphi when they're reunited?

Book 9

Fun-filled days are in store for Sariphi, as she spends time with PrincessAmit and her newfound friend Princess Tetra. However, Amit, who has long beentaken up with Captain Jormungand, is acting a bit odd as of late...Could it bethat her feelings have finally reached her beloved? Meanwhile, when Sariphiaccompanies Leonhart on a visit as Queen Consort, she discovers a secret thecountry is trying to hide...

Book 10

During Seraphi and Leonhart's visit to a neighboring kingdom, a rebellionbreaks out and separates them. Seraphi uncovers the secrets of their king, whileLeonhart faces down a foe calling himself "Wolf King Fenrir." Can Leonhartdefeat his enemy and return to his place by Seraphi's side?! And will Seraphisurvive the rebellion on her own?!

Book 11

With the help of Lanteveldt and friends, Sariphi managed to escape from theclutches of Fenrir, King of the Wolves. But with Lanteveldt injured and Bennupowerless, will the rescue party need to be rescued themselves?! Meanwhile, withknowledge of Sariphi's whereabouts, Leonhart rushes headlong into wolf territoryto save his princess...

Book 12

With the princess saved and death by mortal combat avoided, Leonhart andSariphi look forward to the return of their normal everyday life. But a newtribe takes advantage of the turmoil surrounding the repeal of the sacrificesystem, introducing new chaos into the lives of the king and hisqueen...

Book 13

Beset by misfortune, Sariphi's desperate attempt to find a translator forLeonhart's missive of peace brings her to a remote village, deep in the heart ofhuman territory. But to her great surprise, the woman she has been searching forbears an incredible resemblance to her beloved...Will the truth behind hislineage be revealed at last...?!