The Everything Weather Book

by Mark Cantrell

Published 1 September 2002
Discover the raw power of Mother Nature!

Every day, the weather seems to be increasingly severe and unpredictable, ensuring that it remains the biggest topic of conversation. The Everything (R) Weather Book provides you with the perfect introduction to the complexities of weather, focusing on how it develops, what causes severe weather, how global warming affects us, and much more.

Whether you're interested in learning a few little-known facts to impress your friends over dinner or are in the process of becoming an amateur meteorologist, The Everything (R) Weather Book has all you need to know to understand the hows and whys of everyday weather.

Featuring dozens of photographs, The Everything (R) Weather Book teaches you about:
  • Cloud formations
  • Flash floods and monsoons
  • Forecasting
  • Rainbows
  • The Greenhouse Effect
  • Thunder and lightning
  • Tornadoes and hurricanes