MOLA studies
1 primary work
Book 35
A Bronze Age Barrow Cemetery at Andover Airfield, Penton Mewsey, near Weyhill, Hampshire
by Isca Howell, Lyn Blackmore, Jon Cotton, and Michael Henderson
Published 30 March 2019
Fieldwork between 2007 and 2010 on a chalk downland site near Andover, Hampshire, revealed evidence of funerary and other activity from the Chalcolithic period to the Late Bronze Age. A single, probably female, adult inhumation was accompanied by two Wessex/middle Rhine-type beakers. This grave, although not obviously marked, became the focus for a small number of later cremation burials and pits containing placed miniature pottery vessels. Subsequently, a nucleated group of five barrows developed, the largest being the Mark Lane tumulus, known for a rehafted copper-alloy dagger of Early Bronze Age Armorico-British ‘A’ type found during works to extend the airfield in 1917. Possibly pre-dating this group were two isolated barrows, one associated with two features containing food vessels. Inserted into this barrow was a series of Middle Bronze Age urned and unurned cremation burials associated with globular- and bucket-shaped vessels of Deverel-Rimbury type. A few later vessels indicate that the monument remained in use into the Late Bronze Age. Non-funerary features include a 5m deep Middle Bronze Age shaft that produced an assemblage of animal bone, possibly the remains of feasting. This report includes full details of the eight inhumation and 35 cremation burials, a regionally significant pottery assemblage, catalogues of the illustrated worked flint and accessioned finds, and a chronology supported by ten radiocarbon dates.