Become an expert patient and learn how to best manage your arthrtis

Arthritis is one of the most common causes of disability, affecting areas in and around the joints and bringing misery to a staggering 10 million people in the UK and 46 million in the USA. Arthritis occurs not just amongst older age groups but across all age ranges, and impacts hugely on the lives of sufferers and their families.

Dr Chris Jenner's easy-to-read and highly informative book shows that much of the suffering experienced as a result of this painful condition is unnecessary. Starting with a no-nonsense look at the condition itself, Dr Jenner focuses on the many ways in which arthritis can affect daily life and leads the reader through the variety of options available to sufferers. He shows how the effects of this potentially debilitating disease can be minimised so that quality of life is restored.

Contents: Preface; Part I Understanding Arthritis; 1. What is Arthritis?; 2. Arthritis - The Statistics; 3. Types of Arthritis; 4. Related and Secondary Medical Conditions; 5. What Causes Arthritis?; 6. Diagnosing Arthritis; 7. Aggravating Factors; 8. Top Arthritis Myths; Part II Living with Arthritis; 9. The Physical, Emotional and Psychological Impacts of Arthritis; 10. Acceptance Issues; 11. How Relationships Are Affected; 12. Work Issues; 13. Mobility and Disability Issues Benefits and Allowances; 14. Image Issues; 15. Parenting a Child with Arthritis; 16. Support for Arthritis Sufferers; Part III Treating and Managing Arthritis; 17. Pain Management; 18. Medications and Contraindications; 19. Non-Pharmaceutical Treatments 20. The Role of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy; 21. Diet and Lifestyle; 22. Caring for Your Joints; 23. How to Control Stress; Part IV Understanding Medico-Legal Implications; 24. Personal Injury Claims and Arthritis; 25. Medico-Legal Experts and Personal Injury Solicitors; Conclusion; Index.

Chronic neck or back pain can seriously affect all aspects of daily life. This marvellous little book will empower the patient with self-knowledge and increased awareness of the treatment options available to bring about much needed relief. How to manage your Neck and Back Pain by becoming an expert patient. Far from just being the curse of the elderly, neck and back pain affects the majority of the adult population at some point in their lives, as well as huge numbers of children and adolescents. Even in chronic cases, however, it does not have to mean the end of life as you once knew it. With the knowledge contained in this book and the right care, you can regain control and live a happy and productive life. In his reassuringly down-to-earth guide, Dr Chris Jenner describes the many causes of neck and back pain in easily understood laymen's terms. He then explores what it means to live with neck and back conditions in a practical sense, sets out your treatment options, and advises on how you can very greatly reduce your levels of pain and increase your quality of life.