Islam in the West has a poor press and in the popular mind is associated with religious extremism and medieval attitudes to human rights, particularly those of women. But this is no more an accurate reflection of the teachings and traditions of Islam than similar extremist positions are a reflection of Christianity. Indeed, the overriding objectives of sharia are generally held by Muslim scholars to be the promotion of fairness and equality, prosperity and human dignity, the maintenance of good government that consults the people, and moral education. There is a vigorous Islamic tradition of political and religious freedom and these ideas heavily influenced the Christian theologians of the early Middle Ages. The best traditions of Islam and Christianity have a lot in common and indeed could not have existed without the other. After the events of September the 11th in America there are few more important tasks in the world than recognizing our common ground. This book is a personal perspective on how Christians can not only live together amicably with Muslims but also learn from them.
However weak or strong our own personal faith, it can be deepened by an appreciation of the Muslim emphasis on the holiness of God, the value of regular prayer, the commands to share and value the poor, and the divine mystery at the heart of existence.

Religions and cultures have developed largely in isolation but are now partners in our new global civilization. Even so, many Christians know little about the beliefs of religions other than their own. There are plenty of books which summarize their teachings and practices, but few discuss their relevance to Christianity. This series asks whether other religions have anything significant to say to Christians about God, the world and how to live. In this book on Hinduism, Marcus Braybrooke reflects upon the impact that Hinduism has had on his thinking and his life. It has helped him recognize the mystery of the divine and see an underlying unity in all religions. It has encouraged him to take up meditation and become a vegetarian and pacifist. All this, he says, has strengthened his faith in Jesus. This book is an invitation to share his life-changing experiences.