The Willful Wife

by Suzanne Simms

Published 1 January 2011

THE MAN: Rugged private investigator Mathis Hazard.

THE MISSION: Pose as the estranged spouse of beautiful hotel owner Desiree Stratford - for investigative purposes only, of course.

POSSIBLE COMPLICATION: Inability to keep his mind - not to mention his hands - off said Desiree.

As soon as the once-reluctant detective Mathis Hazard got a look at lovely Desiree Stratford, he suddenly became a lot more eager to get to the bottom of all the weird goings-on at her hotel. And what better way to proceed than to pretend to be Desiree's husband?

Yes, he knew what a tough job it would be - t would probably take twenty-four-hour-a-day, one-on-one surveillance. But hey, a man had to do what a man had to do... .