Book 185

Major earthquakes and associated effects continue to stress the need to carry out more research and a better understanding of these phenomena in order to design earthquake resistant buildings and to carry out risk assessments. This volume combines the latest leading research as presented on the 12th edition of the ERES conference.

As the world's population has concentrated in urban areas resulting in buildings in regions of high seismic vulnerability, we have seen the consequences of natural disasters take an ever higher toll on human existence. Protecting the built environment in earthquake-prone regions involves not only the optimal design and construction of new facilities, but also the upgrading and rehabilitation of existing structures including heritage buildings. The type of highly specialized retrofitting employed to protect the built heritage is an important area of research.

The research papers included in this volume cover: Seismic isolation and energy dissipation; Building performance during earthquakes; Numerical analysis; Performance based design; Experimental studies; Seismic hazards and tsunamis; Safety engineering; Liquefaction; Innovative technologies; Paraseismic devices and Lifelines and resilience.