Book 4

Whether you like women to take control, play the submissive or are just keen to read about hot ladies exploring their sexuality to the full, these stories are guaranteed to tease and titillate.

An Evening Stroll by Z Ferguson
Dom Dora’s always finding adventures for her roommate and sub Pam to perform, and one warm evening in the park puts Dora at her most creative and Pam at her most vulnerable and aroused.

Submission in Silk by Giselle Renarde
Priti wants to be used and abused. Devra doesn’t play that way. She believes in simultaneous submission, in giving and receiving freely rather than overpowering her partner. But when this quarrelsome pair becomes inspired by a silk neck roll from the extensive collection of cushions on Devra’s bed, they find it impossible to extract power play from their encounter.

Go Find Yourself by Velvet Tripp
Lisa’s divorce forces her to re-evaluate her life. Her memories take her back to her experiences and fantasies from her teenage years, when cultural taboos prevented her from following her longing for another woman. She feels she’s denied her real self for too long, and decides to take off on an adventure of discovery. She attends a “camp camp”, the ACCN, where she meets Ross, who captivates her and ultimately seduces her.

These stories first appeared in Wanton Women published by Xcite Books.