No Nits!

by Jane Clarke

Published 21 August 2006
The royal family of the Kingdom of Hairia love their hair - it's what they live for. But - shock, horror - the whole kingdom has just had its first bad hair day - there are nits everywhere. No one knows what to do. Can Princess Primrose come up with the idea that will see the lice off once and for all?

Scratching's Catching!

by Jane Clarke and Jan Lewis

Published 15 August 2007
The loyal subjects of the kingdom of Hairia pride themselves on having great hair. But -- shock, horror -- the whole kingdom has just had its first bad hair day . . . and there are lice everywhere! No one knows what to do, until the royal family decides to rally their country out of these "lousy" times with a rousing rock song: "No Lice Today."