
by Caroline Quin and Sue Pearce

Published 15 September 1998
"Weather" features activities that are suitable for 3-5 year olds. Weather is with us all the time, every minute of every day, all around the world. This book provides ideas for helping to raise children's awareness of the weather throughout the year, whatever the conditions outside. The practical activities include enjoying and responding to weather poems, creating foggy night pictures, choosing the right clothes for the weather, measuring puddles, making simple weather vanes and various ways of charting the weather. All the activities are designed to develop important preschool skills and are based on the Areas of Learning for the under-fives recommended by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

Gardening gives children a wealth of knowledge, skills and experiences. It offers opportunities to grow and care for seeds and plants, to observe and record how they grow and to discover, perhaps, why they didn't grow! An outdoor area is not a prerequisite - many of the activities can be carried out inside. These fun, easy-to-use ideas can be used in all early years settings, from preschools and nurseries to reception classes and day nurseries.


by Caroline Quin and Sue Pearce

Published 15 September 1998
Pets: Activities for 3-5 Year Olds contains enjoyable play activities designed to develop important preschool skills and positive relationships and are linked to the Early Learning Goals of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, revised by the Department of Education for September 2012. Activities based on the theme of pets help children, particularly those who are unable to keep pets at home, to learn to respect and care for animals and small creatures. The children can learn how to recognize different animals and what they need to live a safe and contented life. The practical activities include: investigating what pets eat and the equipment they need; learning action rhymes; making collages; looking at features of different and unusual pets; and pretending to move like an animal. All the books in the Activities for 3-5 Year Olds Series contain tried-and-tested activities, linked to the Early Learning Goals of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, revised by the Department of Education for September 2012. They are an invaluable resource of fun, easy-to-use ideas for all early years settings, from preschools and nurseries to reception classes and day nurseries.


by Caroline Quin

Published 3 September 1999
Shopping: Activities for 3-5 Year Olds contains enjoyable activities to help develop children's essential skills. Shopping is something that most children experience, making it an ideal preschool topic as children can compare experiences with one another and with staff. Activities include role playing ideas,writing shopping lists, using money and weighing items. These fun, easy-to-use ideas can be used in all early years settings, from preschools and nurseries to reception classes and day nurseries.