You see a dark figure dart through the trees. Was it just your imagination? Or could it the bloodsucking chupacabra? Scary monster stories have been told since ancient times. Some of these monsters are from ancient myths. Others are said to be on the prowl today. Whatever the case, they're all scary! Get all the details about the hairy bunyip said to live in Australian swamps, the minotaur of Ancient Greek myths, and more creepy monsters.

You hear a loud creak and the lights flicker. Could it be a ghost? You don't have to believe in ghosts to enjoy spine-tingling ghost stories! Get the details about ghosts that supposedly haunt Hampton Court Palace in England and the White House in Washington DC, USA, and discover a ghostly ship of the high seas.

Imagine visiting an island covered with thousands of viper snakes. What would it be like to stroll past thousands of skeletons in the catacombs in Paris, France? Dare to discover more about some of the creepiest places around. These spooky places are sure to send chills up your spine!

Your heart pounds as your friend tells you a scary story about a headless ghost. Could it be true? Maybe not, but it's still fun to hear! Scary stories come from all around the world. Take a deep breath and settle in to hear about a noisy ghost that was said to haunt an 11-year-old girl, a possessed doll, and more spine-chilling tales.

Get ready to be scared! Ghosts, aliens, snakes, and monsters are all the subjects of spooky stories, and Super Scary Stuff has them all covered. Was a police officer abducted by aliens on a lonely road in England in 1980? Did you know there's an entire island covered with snakes in Brazil? Does a misty ghost haunt the Gold Brook Bridge in Vermont, USA? We may never know, but you'll get chills hearing about these spine-tingling stories!