Book 1

The Dolls

by Kiki Sullivan

Published 2 September 2014
When 17-year-old Eveny returns to the tiny Louisiana town where she was born, she discovers she is the powerful missing link in a trio of voodoo queens who have everyone under their spell. But they need her help. Because darkness is descending on Carrefour and even the Dolls' combined powers may not be enough to stop the killer in their midst.

Book 2

The Midnight Dolls

by Kiki Sullivan

Published 1 September 2015

Eveny, Peregrine and Chloe are The Dolls: voodoo queens of Carrefour.

When Eveny discovers she's heir to two magical traditions, her power doubles - but so does the threat from her enemies. And when Eveny's attacked at home, it's clear they're closing in.

But the Dolls are ready to fight. For the people and town they love.

And for their lives.