Travel back to the time of the stone, bronze and iron ages! What was Britain like over 6000 years ago? Who lived on the island and what was it like? Explore these ancient civilisations to understand how prehistoric people have influenced the way we live today. Discover the artefacts that give evidence of their way of life.

The Explore! series takes an all-round, hands-on approach to history, making the subject relevant to all area of curriculum learning - geography, art, literacy and numeracy. Each book features a diary entry, a fun craft-based activity, and a quiz.

Explore!: Celts

by Sonya Newland

Published 24 September 2015

Travel back to the time of the celts! Who were the Celts and who were their leaders? Why did they come to the British Isles and how did they live? Explore this ancient civilisation to understand how prehistoric people have influenced the way we live today.

Find out all about the lives of the Celts - from the well-known leader Boudicca, to the Druid priests that were highly important in Celtic society. Discover the artefacts that give evidence of their way of life, and how historians have pieced together the evidence of their lives. Learn about the homes and communities that they lived in, the food that they ate, how they travelled and worshipped, and the influence of the Romans on their society. And try your hand at making your own Celtic torc!

A great tool for project work at KS2!