
by Edward Gorman

Published 15 October 1987
A weary bounty hunter, looking to collect his reward, rides into the dusty Dakota town of Denton one evening. He doesn't plan to stay long, until an old buddy and a beautiful woman convince him to change his mind. But some folks don't like his presence in Denton. They don't like the questions he's asking and the insinuations he's making. And they'll do everything they can to make sure he leaves mighty quick, whether it's on the back of a horse or in a narrow pine box.

Dark Trail

by Edward Gorman

Published 1 May 1997

Death Ground

by Edward Gorman

Published 15 August 1988

Blood Game

by Edward Gorman

Published 1 September 1989

What the Dead Men Say

by Edward Gorman

Published 1 July 1990