The Best of Wings Magazine

by Walter J. Boyne

Published 30 September 2001
The Best of Wings contains behind-the-scenes stories about the most glamorous aircraft of all time, from the Hughes racer to virtual “mystery ships” like the Bell Airacuda and the remarkably successful McDonnell F-4. Each piece takes you through aviation history with little-known details on the designers, the pilots, the records, and the ultimate fate of a wide variety of aircraft. Hundreds of photos detail the progress of aviation around the world, from trainers to nuclear bombers. Walter J. Boyne has selected an appealing array of stories about famous and not-so-famous aircraft. With his trademark style of combining intricate engineering detail and the human drama of aviation, Boyne, one of the most prolific aviation writers of our time, makes each aircraft literally fly off the pages. These timeless histories provide inside information, often gathered from the author’s personal experiences with the men and women who designed, built, and flew the aircraft.