
by Henry Chadwick

Published 20 March 1986
By his writings, the surviving bulk of which exceeds that of any other ancient author, Augustine came to influence not only his contemporaries but also the West since his time. This book is intended for students of religion, philosophy of religion, ancient history from sixth-form level upwards.

For all the diversity of modern Christianity, there should be no disagreement as to who did most to shape the character of Christian thought during the first 1500 years of its history. "Makers of Christianity" contains studies of the most influential figures in the early Christian world: Jesus, Paul, Augustine and Aquinas. By his life and example, Jesus proved the initial inspiration. In his numerous epistles, Paul developed the basic tenents of Christian theology. In their voluminous writings, Augustine and Aquinas effected two successive syntheses of Christian teaching with classical philosophy. The four separate studies which make up this book constitute a guide to the making of Christian doctrine.