A Turtle's Life Cycle

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017
The process of a new life starting is fascinating! Watch a turtle grow from an egg to a shelled reptile. Young readers will learn about the stages in a turtle's life, including what they eat and where they live. The life cycle of a turtle is a terrific thing to see!

A Frog's Life Cycle

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017
The process of a new life starting is fascinating! Watch a frog grow from an egg to a hopping amphibian. Young readers will learn about the stages in a frog's life, including how and what they eat and what happens to them in the winter. The life cycle of a frog is a fun thing to see!

A Sunflower's Life Cycle

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017
The process of a new life starting is fascinating! Watch a sunflower grow from a seed to a tall plant. Young readers will learn about the stages in a sunflower's life as well as its appearance. The life cycle of a sunflower is a beautiful thing to see!

A Butterfly's Life Cycle

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017
The process of a new life starting is fascinating! Watch a butterfly grow from an egg to an insect. Young readers will learn about the stages in a butterfly's life. From a tiny egg to a chrysalis and, finally, a brightly coloured butterfly, the life cycle of a butterfly is a beautiful thing to see.

An Apple Tree's Life Cycle

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017
The process of a new life starting is fascinating! Watch an apple tree grow from a seed to a fruit-bearing tree. Young readers will learn about the stages in an apple tree's life as well as its appearance. The life cycle of an apple tree is a beautiful thing to see!

A Bean's Life Cycle

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017
The process of a new life starting is fascinating! Watch a bean grow from a seed to a plant. Young readers will learn about the stages in a bean's life. From the seed germinating to the bean pods that are picked for eating, the life cycle of a bean is beautiful to see!

Explore Life Cycles

by Mary R Dunn

Published 1 August 2017

Explore Life Cycles Pack A of 6

by Mary R Dunn

Published 7 September 2017
Whether you're watching a sunflower seed sprout or a butterfly's wings unfold for the first time, every stage in a plant or animal's life cycle is important. This series gives an introduction to the life cycles of both plants and animals. Beginning readers will learn how new life begins, develops and reproduces.