Book 1

Total Mystery

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 23 November 2017
The complete silence from the Cosmos along with 'The Marvelous' and 'The Extraordinary' surrounding us all everywhere and invading our existence from a source and a logic hidden from us all has set fear in many about of our origin and purpose. Our short temporal life has emphasized a sense of nothingness on our part in the vastness of an apparent unending world, and an obvious infinite ambiguity in all things. Sadly, the scared ones seek arbitrary, concocted, and proprietary metaphors of omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence, which in their case of course must never be questioned - lest those already in fear of everything be-come ever more fearful of everything. Yet, despite all the total mystery in which we exist, we are provided with life and self-awareness as instruments for an existence lived in joy, kindness, ever-increasing knowledge, and sanity, should we choose to do so. The choice being ours, we must become ethical despite the total mystery about our existence and ultimate destination.

Book 2

Total Possibility

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 29 December 2017

Book 2

Audacious Thoughts

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 5 August 2020

Book 2

Audacious Thoughts 2

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 28 August 2020

Book 3

Anguished Freedom

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 25 September 2018

Book 4

Primal Impulse

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 30 December 2017

Book 5

Ethical Self

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 30 December 2017

Book 6


by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 28 November 2017
A few embryonic texts are assembled here in a somewhat helter-skelter way, because I have little time left and no longer possess the inclination to complete them as separate essays. Leftover texts that belonged nowhere specifically, but which I decided to put under a same cover simply because - like a precious child - I did not want to lose them. They can be seen as connected to an appreciation of the life awarded me and which I do indeed enjoy daily - an opportunity exceptionally offered me, since I am lucky enough to have been born and spent my life in Canada. They nonetheless continue to hint at the general notion supporting the theoretical and practical pursuit of happiness within a plausible, pleasurable, and non-threatening environment in the midst of that short lifespan allotted us. Overall, they also provide personal examples of a life tremendously appreciated, occasionally recalled, and now modestly lived in seclusion, simplicity, and harmony.

Book 7

Unlimited Ethics

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 24 April 2019

Book 8

Existential Mission

by Jean Ovide Bourdeau

Published 8 January 2020