Media Relations

by Moi Ali

Published 30 October 2009
If you have never used the media before, are wary of trying, or have tried and failed, this book is for you. With a bit of insider know-how, even the inexperienced can secure positive coverage for their organisation or deal competently with a crisis. This book will show you, step by step, how to make contacts in the media and 'sell' your story and explain how the media works and who does what. Packed with tips, hints and practical advice, it will boost your knowledge and build up your confidence in this area. So whether you want to know how to look good on TV, set up a photo opportunity, or complain about the media, start reading.Includes: How the media works, Hitting the Headlines, The Perfect Press Release, Giving a star performance on radio and television, Setting up a mini Press Office, Coping in Adversity.