Road Rage

by Jane A.C. West and Roger Hurn

Published 26 March 2011
The road builder Kong Kreet wants to build a freeway through an Indian Reservation! It will take all Tribe's skills to get there in time to save the day.

Zoo Rescue

by Jane A. C. West and Roger Hurn

Published 26 March 2011
Tribe travel to China to help Po Po the Giant Panda escape from captivity. The cruel zoo keeper Yu See-Mee, is hot on their trail.

Into the Woods

by Jane A. C. West and Roger Hurn

Published 26 March 2011
Tribe take on Tim Burr. A man so desperate to make money selling wood that we leaves wastelands in his wake. Now he has come to Tribe's forest home. Will they manage to stop the chainsaws before it's too late?