Super Storm

by Jane A. C. West and Roger Hurn

Published 26 March 2011
The crazy scientist Dr Hed Case demands that the government give him twenty million pounds by midnight or he will send a super storm to destroy London. Time's running out for Tribe.

The Lost City

by Jane A. C. West and Roger Hurn

Published 26 March 2011
An explorer has vanished in the Amazon rainforest whilst looking for the Lost City of Gold. Tribe set out on a rescue mission - but the treasure hunter Rich Moneybags is right behind them!

The Ice Man

by Jane A. C. West and Roger Hurn

Published 26 March 2011
The evil oil baron Ty Koone wants to drill for oil in the unspoiled ice of the Arctic. He doesn't care about the wildlife he'll kill doing it. So it's up to Tribe to stop him!