Essential guidebook of walks and climbs in the Pyrenees, with over 170 day walks, multi-day walks, climbing routes and mountaineering ascents. Covers all valleys and peaks on both sides of the border with France and Spain, with through routes and peaks to bag, as an introduction to one of Europe's finest mountain ranges. A full-colour guide, with mapping and inspirational photography throughout, the guide includes 21 Pyrenean regions across the range from Lescun through to Andorra and Ax-les-Thermes. The active walker, trekker and climber is spoilt for choice. There are exquisite valleys and passes to wander day after day, and summits of 3000m and more within the reach of most hill walkers. The landscape is full of diversity and contrast, with Alpine-style peaks, small glaciers, deep gorges and more than a thousand mountain lakes. The range is also known as the 'flower garden of Europe', and the wildlife can rarely be seen elsewhere on the continent.
Since the first edition appeared in 1978, Walks and Climbs in the Pyrenees has become the authoritative guide to the range, and has seen many new editions and changes to reflect the boom in interest in the area. It is the ideal companion to explore the Pyrenees to their full.

The Tour of Mont Blanc

by Kev Reynolds

Published June 1988
The Tour of Mont Blanc is one of the best - if not the best - of the world's classic walks. It circumnavigates the Mont Blanc massif in about eleven days. The walk has all the excitement of the high mountains yet none of the worry of altitude sickness. It crosses numerous cols with stunning views of spectacular snow and rock peaks. Accommodation along the route is plentiful. The 'official' Tour du Mont Blanc follows an established route around the main block of mountains containing not only Mont Blanc but its principal allied summits such as Verte, Chardonnet, Gouter, Geant, Jorasses, d'Argentiere, Dolent and numerous others. The author describes the tour both in the traditional 'anti-clockwise' direction and the 'clockwise' direction. There are several alternative routes that subsequently link and these are also described. The routes, along with suggestions for alternative exploration, have been created on what the author thinks gives the very best perspective and appreciation of the whole region and provides the best balance of visual return for the physical effort required.
At every opportunity recommendations are made that will bring the walker into closer contact with the area and enhance memories of the visit. This guide is in full colour, and has a good section on points of interest, accommodation details and natural history of the region.


by Kev Reynolds

Published 31 August 1995
The Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal is a trekker's dream world. The dramatic beauty of its mountains is legendary, its people among the most warm-hearted, gentle and openly friendly that you could possibly wish to meet. From the lush foothills stepped with immaculate terracing, to the stark upper regions of snow, ice and towering walls of rock, a series of unfolding landscapes impress all who wander through. None who are lured along its trails need fear disappointment. This book is a guide to just one region of this magical land known as Solu-Khumba. Among its sparkling mountains Cho Oyu, Ama Dablam, Kangtega, Thamserku, Nuptse and Lhotse each present powerful images, as do many others with less familiar names. But it is Mount Everest that naturally provides the magnet for the vast majority of trekkers and all who love the high, wild places. This second edition of the successful Everest guide leads the explorer through Nepal and the Sherpa's homeland. The mountain panoramas and lives of the Nepalese are clearly documented, together with the detailed needs of the trekker in this challenging but most rewarding region.
The second edition includes all information necessary for a successful trek.