Dicky Tottering lives with his wife, Daffy, and extended family in the dilapidated family pile, Tottering Hall. However, twenty-first century life for the lord of the manor is not quite how it used to be. While struggling at times to find his place in today's world, Dicky presents a uniquely British view of life for men of a certain age, coming to grips with the particular demands of grandchildren, retirement, the latest gadgets and a wife like Daffy. Whether dealing with universal themes such as ageing, relationships, and inter-generational differences or highlighting typical gentlemen's past times, this selection of cartoons from award-winning artist, Annie Tempest, illustrate daily life through his eyes only. Tottering-by-Gently cartoons have appeared weekly in Country Life magazine since 1994.

Every cook collects recipes: family favourites, ‘ must-trys’ from the latest celebrity chef or tv programme, seasonal suggestions from newspapers, magazines and the internet, the sources are endless. Keeping these in order can be tricky but the Tottering Hall Recipe Organiser is the perfect solution. It is divided into eight different categories so recipes can be sorted by food type. The ring binding allows you to print off recipes from the internet or insert tearsheets from newspapers and magazines easily – just punch and file! The flexible binding means you can add as many recipes as you want in any particular category. There iare 8 dividers with pockets so you can store clippings or notes temporarily and an elastic closer. Additional information is included such as conversion charts including and European/American measures.

The Tottering-by-Gently Tottering Hall Recipe Organiser is illustrated with humorous cartoons from Annie Tempest depicting life in the kitchen at Tottering Hall.

She Talks Venus, He Talks Mars

by Annie Tempest

Published 8 September 2011
She (Daffy Tottering) talks Venus… and He (Dicky Tottering) talks Mars… and they rub along together in the fading splendour of Tottering Hall, North Pimmshire. This hilarious volume brings crashing together Daffy Tottering's unique perspective on the male sex - with particular reference to long-suffering husband Dicky - and also presents from the opposite perspective, Dicky's viewpoint on the fairer sex.

Together Dicky and Daffy face the perennial problems of couples everywhere and Annie Tempest's cartoons offer wonderfully witty insights and observations into why men and women behave as they do.

Choose to read from Daffy's perspective… or turn the book the other way up and read from Dicky's point of view. Two front covers, two books in one… upside down or downside up, this is the gift book for everyone in your life. She Talks Venus… He Talks Mars is for those just tying the knot or those celebrating their diamond jubilee; read, laugh and come to a better understanding of yourself (and your other half). You may be from different planets but you can learn each other's language.