12 Days at Silver Bells House

by Jennie Jones

Published 1 December 2014
From the author of the internationally bestselling The House on Burra Burra Lane comes a Christmas story - country style. Kate Singleton has twelve days to find herself. With Christmas Day and her thirtieth birthday approaching, the best thing a city - chic fashion designer who no longer has a raison d'etre can do is nullify herself in the country. With Chardonnay. When trouble strikes, the country presents her with Jamie Knight - a gallant but uncommunicative He - Man who drives an excavator and arrives to rescue Kate, her shoes and her case of Chardonnay from a boggy field. The adventure should be over - nothing but a good story to tell to her friends in the city - but her saviour turns out to also be an unexpected roommate, the new owner of Silver Bells House, Kate's holiday home. Forced together and dragged into the community Christmas spirit of the town, Kate and Jamie flounder their way through mistletoe, kissing games, carolling choirs, and a bone - deep yearning for community and acceptance. Can the enchanting Silver Bells House and the holidays bind them together? Or will love get lost on Highway B23 back to the city?

Bestselling Australian author Jennie Jones takes us back to Swallow's Fall for one more story: Gemma has a burning need to stay and make a home. All Josh has ever wanted is to get out. Now he has the chance, and all he needs to do is tie up a few loose ends ...Gemma Munroe loves hard, laughs hard and plays hard. Or at least she did before today. Her dream is finally within her grasp, owning the toy shop in Swallow's Fall and establishing herself permanently. Only one person has the power to get in her way: Josh Rutherford the love of her life who kissed her and left her ten years ago is coming home. Josh will be in town for five days. Only five days. He'll finally sever the ties to a youth filled with poverty by selling the properties that are now his. He's returning healthy, wealthy and emotionally stable, and then he'll leave forever. It's all in the plan. Everything ...except for Gem. He never forgot her, but he definitely forgot the effect she has on him. Now she's got problems, and he can't seem to leave without trying to help her solve them.
The town itself also has its own plans: Gemma and Josh are thrown together in Speed, Date fiascos, kissing experiments, bar fights and an issue with the North Star Josh's compass and the road to his next adventure. Seven weeks later Josh is still in town. Gem has to get through her best friends' wedding and Josh has to get over Gem. Because he's not staying. Is he?

Revisit Swallow's Fall in this beautiful short novel from Jennie Jones about an ex-military man, a single mother and the impossibility of dreams coming true.

Fatalistic, long divorced and doing her best to give her children a good life, Lily works two jobs in her hometown of Swallow's Fall, saving every spare cent for the day she can lease the empty corner shop on Main Street. She longs to open it as Turnaround Treasures, a second-hand shop bursting with rescued country curios—but there aren't enough spare cents and Lily's dream is slipping away.

Ex-Navy diver Nick Barton arrived in Swallow's Fall a year ago to quietly reunite himself with civvy life. Recognising an instant attraction to Lily, Nick backed away fast. Given his track record of an unhappy ex-wife and the baggage that comes with a Special Forces career, Nick doesn't think he stands a chance with shy, reserved Lily. He can't be with her – but that doesn't mean he doesn't see her.

Lily has spent her whole life cheerfully giving to others. When Nick offers her the ultimate chance for a turnaround, will Lily's fear of being 'second hand' ruin the opportunity of forever love for both of them?

From the best - selling author of The House on Burra Burra Lane, comes a brand - new story about opposites, attraction, an outback pub, and a pink house ...The mysterious death of her mother has left Charlotte Simmons on edge and off - balance for too long. The only way to move forward is to get answers, and those answers can only be found in one place. So Charlotte buys a Bed & Breakfast establishment in Swallow's Falls, a small town in Australia's Snowy Mountains, as a ploy to get close to the man who might have the answers. She'll jazz up the old place, flip it, get her answers, and be gone in two - months - max. What she doesn't count on is opposition from the dogmatic and slightly eccentric members of the town council, and the hotshot owner of Kookaburra's Bar & Grill and his two - hundred - squats - a - day physique whose mouth offers to act as mediator, but his eyes promise something so much more. Easy - going Daniel Bradford knows progress is slow in Swallow's Fall. He's finally about to put his plans into place to upgrade the hotel when a prim - and - proper, citified redhead blows into town, putting everyone on edge.
The only way to contain the trouble she's about to cause is to contain her - but he knows trouble when he sees it, and soon it becomes very clear that there's absolutely nothing containable about Charlotte, or the way he feels about her.

A dilapidated house, a city girl looking for a tree change, and a rugged vet with a past. Just another day in rural Australia…

Just ten days after her fresh start in the isolated Snowy Mountains, Samantha Walker trips over a three hundred pound pig and lands in the arms of Dr. Ethan Granger – and the firing line for gossip. It was hardly a 'date' but sparks of the sensual kind are difficult to smother in a community of only 87 people. Now there's a bet running on how long she'll stay and what she'll get up to while she's in town.

Ethan has his own issues – Sammy's presence in his childhood home brings with it painful recollections of family scandals and a bad boy youth. When the gossip around them heightens, his life is suddenly a deck of cards spread on the table for all to see. Then Sammy's past catches up with her... and it looks like all bets are off.