Book 1

The Rebel

by Nancy Rue

Published 2 September 1996
Ten-year-old Thomas Hutchinson struggles with his rebellious nature in the face of a stern father while also experiencing the rising tensions caused by the Revolutionary War.

Book 2

The Thief

by Nancy Rue

Published 2 September 1996
Eleven-year-old Thomas struggles to learn about right and wrong even as his older brother engages in a setup to get the Loyalists run out of town.

Book 3

The Burden

by Nancy Rue

Published 23 February 1997
As the fighting between Patriots and Loyalists moves closer to Williamsburg, eleven-year-old Thomas Hutchinson finds himself burdened by all kinds of secrets involving the people closest to him.

Book 4

The Prisoner

by Nancy Rue

Published 23 February 1997
In the winter of 1781, with the Revolutionary War closing in on Williamsburg, eleven-year-old Thomas Hutchinson must decide how to handle his own battles with bullies at school and worries about the Loyalist sympathies of his best friend's family.

Book 5

The Invasion

by Nancy Rue

Published 2 June 1997
When British soldiers plunder his family's plantation near Williamsburg and the overseer hired by his father proves to be dishonest, eleven-year-old Thomas takes matters into his own hands.

Book 6

The Battle

by Nancy Rue

Published 2 June 1997
While the Revolutionary War wages all around him, twelve-year-old Thomas fights his own internal battles involving anger, frustration, and lack of trust in God.