Book 30

Mysterious Britain

by Homer W. Sykes

Published 19 August 1993
The landscape of Britain is dotted with remarkable features - Neolithic burial chambers, enigmatic hill carvings, standing stones, holy wells and ancient fonts, crude pagan effigies,and fifteenth-century memento mori and bizarre fanciful follies in estates and country parks. This book captures these "mysteries" and recounts their histories and the tales that surround them. From Stonehenge in Wiltshire, to the healing spring water of St Winefride's Well in Wales, and the weird Brimham rocks in Yorkshire, Homer Sykes visits many eerie sites of local legend.

No 40

Celtic Britain

by Homer W. Sykes

Published 12 May 1997
A journey in words and pictures to the sites of Celtic culture in Britain - exploring just what it is that makes them so enduringly fascinating.