Living in Shelters

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 30 October 2009
This important book looks at the kinds of disasters that may force people to leave their homes and move into shelters, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, and earthquakes. It gives information about what to pack in disaster supply kits and how to evacuate home and communities. Author Bobbie Kalman recounts her experiences as a nine-year-old refugee who lived in a number of shelters, and suggests ways that organizations or individual families can help lessen the stresses of living in shelters.

Preparing for Disasters

by Bobbie Kalman

Published 30 October 2009
This fascinating book looks at topics such as preparing disaster supply kits for homes and cars, learning how to use ham radios, reading maps, creating and practicing evacuation plans, setting up emergency contact people, and information about shelters. It also looks at different kinds of disasters and how to prepare for each one.