Anti-discriminatory Practice

by Neil Thompson

Published 10 November 1992
The first edition of Anti-Discriminatory Practice quickly established itself as a best-selling text. This new, fully revised and updated edition builds on that success, offering a sound basis for countering discrimination and oppression in social work. Written in a clear and accessible style, it offers a lucid blend of theory and practice to guide students, professionals, educators and managers through the complexities of promoting equality. Essential reading for all involved in social work theory, practice and policy.

Dealing with Stress tackles the complex issues of pressure and stress in social work. It covers aspects of research and theory but its main focus is on practice - the practical application of an informed approach to stress management. It provides guidance for managers and practitioners and promotes a positive, but realistic, approach to coping with the pressures of an occupation which deals with human misery, loss, suffering, oppression and deprivation. In doing this, it takes account of the dilemmas, conflicts and tensions inherent in the social work role and the political and organisational contexts in which they occur.