Overcoming common problems
2 total works
The World Health Authority's definition of infertility is one year of unprotected sex without a pregnancy. There is primary infertility (when a a couple is completely childless) and secondary (when the couple has children but then encounters problems having more). Infertility can have a devasting affect on relationships and can break down communication, causing fear and anxiety. Practical guidance is offered to couples in this book on the medical and emotional issues surrounding infertility. It includes medical information on the causes, it investigates the treatments available, and contains advice on how to cope as a couple.
A guide to all aspects of adoption, including motivating factors - is adoption really "second best" for some couples, how the system works, including coping with frustration, delays and rejection, adopting from overseas and cultural issues. The book examines the current requirements about contact with natural parents, and the pressures they can bring for both adoptive and natural parents. There is a balanced mixture of the factual and the personal, making this a useful guide for anyone affected by adoption.