As fall days grow darker and the sun doesn’t shine as bright, leatherback sea turtles sense the change in seasons and head out to sea. They make their way to their home beaches to nest. About 100 eggs fill each hole! Readers can follow the leatherbacks as they cruise along ocean currents in this engaging title.

Humpback Whale Migration

by Kari Schuetz

Published 1 August 2018
Humpback whales can hold their breath up to 45 minutes as they torpedo through ocean waters! These mighty mammals migrate from their summer arctic waters to the warm, winter waves near the equator to give birth to their calves. Young readers will want to dive into this title and follow the travels of humpback whales.

Salmon Migration

by Kari Schuetz

Published 1 August 2018
During their travels from oceans to rivers, salmon undergo many changes! Their gills change so they can breath in changing waters, and their scales transform from a shining silver to a darker hue so others know they are ready to spawn. Readers will be swimming in information and special features in this adventurous book on salmon migration.

Caribou Migration

by Kari Schuetz

Published 1 August 2018

Monarch Butterfly Migration

by Kari Schuetz

Published 1 August 2018
For monarch butterflies, the crisp air of fall signals a time for change. Along with the changing colors of the trees, the skies are filled with these bright orange insects as they make their way to warmer weather. Monarchs’ delicate wings help them glide with the southern wind during their migration to Mexico. This book contains vibrant photos and marked maps allow readers to become immersed in the lives of monarch butterflies.

Wildebeest Migration

by Kari Schuetz

Published 1 August 2018
As wildebeest make their way from the Serengeti to the Masai Mara plains in Kenya, their hooves leave a scent trail for any who get lost along the way. These nomads welcome their neighboring zebras and gazelles, knowing there is strength in numbers. Readers can join the millions of travelers crossing the plains of Africa in this title about wildebeest migration.

Arctic Tern Migration

by Kari Schuetz

Published 1 August 2018
Arctic terns travel 44,000 miles every year – the longest animal migration in the world! From pole to pole and back again, these flying machines zigzag across the world to follow the summer. Early readers will devour this fact-filled title about the impressive Arctic tern.