The greatest single advance in the interpretation of the structure of Asia was the publication in 1901 of the third volume of The Face of the Earth by Edward Suess of Viennna; and the time has now come when his explanations should be reconsidered in the light of the new evidence. The British Association meeting in Glasgow in September, 1928 afforded a suitable opportunity. An international discussion was held then, and the papers contributed to it have been collected in this volume.
Most of the chapters discuss previously published evidence; but that plan was unsuitable for the Persian Arc, for so much new information had been collected by the geologists of the Anglo-Persian Oil Co., that until it were made public any discussion of that area would have been futile.

At this time of narrow specialization in science, it seems almost impossible to fully grasp the personality of the author and his impact on the evolution of geological concepts. He belonged to the generation of unusual men who by their endeavors in different technical fields made the British Emprire into a domain where the sun never set.

The author was a brilliant thinker endowed with the rare combination of an incredible memory for facts and a capacity for synthesis, and, as his explorations extended across all continents, he thus became an authority on the world as a whole. Nonetheless, he remained modest, sincere, and simple and always friendly toward his peers and his students. There are few scientific fields to which he did not contribute. In our present world of computer language he would be characterized by the key-words of geology, georgraphy, engineering, and sociology, a combination of disciplines which today appear unthinkable. In his time he was a scholar, a teacher, an adventurer, and a man of letters as well.