A guide for parents and other helping children cope with stress and depression. The book shows how to identify the symptoms and causes of depression. It then explores what can be done - situations that can be changed, those that can be managed, and how a parent's reaction can make all the difference to a child. The book contains many case studies and practical suggestions for reducing stress and coping with the symptoms of depression.

Depression at Work

by Vicky Maud

Published 20 October 2000
Many people find their working lives a source of stress. In this book, agony aunt Vicky Maud offers advice to help you understand the causes and symptoms of depression, suggesting how best to cope with these symptoms, how to stand up for yourself and how to get the help you need. The book has been endorsed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists, "Depression is a devastating illness which affects not only the sufferer, but their family, friends and colleagues as well. This informative and user-friendly book will be useful for all concerned".

How to Enjoy Your Retirement

by Vicky Maud

Published 19 September 1996
When you retire it can change your life. Suddenly the escape from routine and the choices that brings with it can be invigorating or daunting. Should you move nearer your family? How much time and energy do you want to give them? How do you adjust to being at home with your partner all day? Should you work, and what kind of work would suit you best? Vicky Maud offers helpful suggestions about how to make the most of the changes retirement can bring.