Talking About Miscarriage

by Sarah Murphy

Published 28 May 1992
This text answers questions, provides information and offers guidelines on how to cope with miscarriage, and encourages those who have gone through this traumatic experience, their families, friends and doctors, to come out into the open and talk about it. The author has talked extensively to both men and women as research. The book explains possible causes, such as improperly developed foetus, age of mother, psychological factors and stress, smoking, and alcohol, and examines types of miscarriage, how to spot symptoms, what the doctor may do, likely physical and emotional side-effects, and dealing with grief as a single person or as a couple. Advice is also offered on how long to wait before trying again, and how to rebuild self-confidence and look forward to the future. Information about help within the medical profesion and where to find support groups and counsellors is included.

Coping with Cot Death

by Sarah Murphy

Published 31 May 1990
The author of this book herself lost a baby in a cot death. The book recognises the special needs of bereaved families and friends, and offers useful, clear advice about how best to cope with both the immediate impact and the long-term effects of grieving. The book answers questions such as: could it have been prevented?; why my baby?; what about our next child? And it suggests how friends who want to help can offer support in practical ways and by just being there. All royalties from the sale of this book are being donated to the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths.