Book 1406

Dangerous Memories

by Angi Morgan

Published 1 January 2013

Book 1423

Protecting Their Child

by Angi Morgan

Published 1 January 2013
"Cord McCrea was the Texas Ranger of her dreams ... but their life together ended like a nightmare. They were too proud and stubborn, and there was no repairing the damage done to their family. All Kate Danver McCrea had now was the reminder he'd left growing inside her. Now the crazed gangster who'd shattered Cord's life was a free man, and he wanted to settle some old scores. Cord would do anything to protect his ex-wife, but once she was safe, they would go their separate ways again. Only, the baby changed everything. If they could survive the perils of a west Texas winter while outmaneuvering danger at every pass, they might have a second chance. Because with a traitor in their midst, they had no one to trust--except each other.

Book 1471

The Marine's Last Defense

by Angi Morgan

Published 17 December 2013

Book 1495

Navy Seal Surrender

by Angi Morgan

Published 1 January 2014
Navy SEAL John Sloane didn't expect to be reunited with the girl whose heart he broke. But when Alicia Adams's daughter is kidnapped, he jumps into action. To regain her trust and protect her, he'll risk his career and even his life. It all hinges on one daring scheme that could put everything in jeopardy!