Book 917

In Over His Head

by Jacquie D'Alessandro

Published 1 March 2003

Lexie Webster needs a fling-badly. She's not looking for a relationship-her former fiance, a daredevil with a death wish, cured her of that! But that doesn't mean she has to live like a nun, either. Especially since her newest client, sexy Josh Maynard, is inspiring some very impure thoughts....

Rodeo star Josh Maynard is hanging up his spurs to fulfill his lifelong dream-learning to sail. Only, he never dreams he'll end up in over his head before he even starts! Because it's obvious his new sailing instructor, Lexie Webster, has an agenda-to seduce him right out of his swimsuit and Stetson! And he's more than willing to go along with her. Especially when he realizes that he wants more than just a quick dip....

Book 954

A Sure Thing?

by Jacquie D'Alessandro

Published 1 December 2003

Ad execs Matt Davidson and Jilly Taylor have two things in common-they hate to lose and they want each other...

badly. Only, neither one is going to chance losing the upper hand by giving in to their mutual attraction. But when their boss sets them up to compete for the same account-in the same inn, in the same bed-something has to go. And it starts with their clothes....

As Matt and Jilly scheme to win the account, more than the competition is heating up. Suddenly they can't keep their minds on their work...or their hands off each other! Still, when the holidays are over, they'll have to go back to the real world. And then the only question will be, which one of them will end up "on top"?