With the increase in mothers' employment both the government and many employers are promoting flexible working policies to improve work-life 'balance'. This report considers the effects of these changes on the lives of both women and men. It examines three employment sectors in detail - banking, grocery retail and local authorities.
Drawing on the views of employees themselves, the report:
· assesses the impact of employment breaks and part-time working on the careers of women and men;
· evaluates the effectiveness of work-life balance policies;
· explores organisational cultures and systems and how they affect the implementation of these policies;
· discusses attitudes to career development and its effects on family life.

Employers are placing increasing significance on human resources policies designed to enable their employees to achieve an improved work-life balance. This report outlines how employees and managers in three sectors - banking, grocery retail and local authorities - have experienced the 'family-friendly employment' options available in their place of work.
The report presents key findings in relation to:
· how aware employees are of the family-friendly policies of their employers;
· what links, if any, employers have with local care service providers;
· how well managers understand the policies;
· what barriers there are to implementation of family-friendly policies.