Book 1

Blood on the Moon

by James Ellroy

Published July 1985

Somewhere out there is a murderer with over twenty killings to his name - each an apparently random slaying of a woman, over a twenty-year period and all unconnnected on the police files.

But Detective Sergeant Lloyd Hopkins begins to see a pattern: he senses connections between this string of seemingly motiveless, pointless and unsolved killings. Then the murderer emerges not as a random killer, but a cool, efficient despatcher - in his own eyes a saver of souls and protector of the innocent.

As they are drawn inexorably together, Hopkins and the murderer challenge each other in a confrontation which pits icy intelligence against white-heated madness...

Book 2

Because the Night

by James Ellroy

Published 1 January 1980

The second installment of the Lloyd Hopkins Trilogy. As Detective Sergeant Lloyd Hopkins pieces the puzzle together he discovers the darker threat of John Havilland, a psychiatrist whose pleasure comes from the manipulation of the weak and the lonely ...

And, as Hopkins closes in, Havilland's madness rages uncontrolled - and forces a shattering confrontation with the darker side of the human mind.

Book 3

Suicide Hill

by James Ellroy

Published 1 April 1986

Joe caught Klein flush in the stomach and ripped upward with both hands. Blood spurted from his mouth...


It was simple... and diabolical. Simply select a bank manager, kidnap his girlfriend, then hold her hostage until you've cleaned out the bank.

At first, it was almost a game. But it turned into an orgy of violence, rape and insane revenge.

Investigating is Sergeant Lloyd Hopkins, eager for a chance to clear his tarnished reputation.

But what Hopkins doesn't know is that this time, the enemy is within.