Roman Society

by David Taylor

Published 6 March 1980
In Roman Society David Taylor concentrates on aspects of the life of the diverse groups of people who lived in the Roman world - their homes, work, leisure, beliefs and attitudes. Providing valuable coursework material for GCSE Latin as well as Classical Studies, this book focuses on the period 50 BC to AD 150, an era of dramatic political upheavals when important social changes took place. The thoughts and feelings of the Romans themselves can best be discovered through the words of their writers, and this book contains a wide variety of translated passages from the works of poets, historians and novelists - even examples of graffiti which have survived on the walls of houses and shops.

Cicero and Rome

by David Taylor

Published December 1973
In "Cicero and Rome", David Taylor takes Cicero as the focal point for
examination of the last years of the Roman Republic. He traces the
often dramatic and violent events from the harsh dictatorship of Sulla
(82 BC) to Cicero's own death in the massacres of Mark Antony and the
Second Triumvirate (43 BC). Evidence is taken largely from the speeches
and the orator's surviving letters - especially those to his close
friend Atticus.