The Blotting Book

by E F Benson

Published December 1987

WH Auden, Nancy Mitford and Noel Coward were among his fans... But have you discovered E. F. Benson yet?

Morris Assheton is in love and means to be married. But his happiness is spoilt when he discovers that someone has been whispering poisonous rumours about him to the girl's father. The culprit is Mills, dastardly partner to the Assheton family's trusted lawyer. Morris vows revenge.

When Mills' body is discovered, brutally beaten, the ugly quarrel comes to light and suspicion naturally falls on Morris. His innocence is debated in a tense courtroom, as an eager public and press look on.

Murder mystery... Courtroom drama. This is a classic whodunnit from the author of Mapp and Lucia. Crime fiction at its best.

The Luck of the Vails

by E F Benson

Published 2 October 1986

WH Auden, Nancy Mitford and Noel Coward were among his fans... But have you discovered E. F. Benson yet?

In a Holbein portrait above the grand old fireplace, Francis Vail, second baronet, brandishes a beautiful golden goblet, encrusted with pearls, rubies and emeralds. But this treasure, the Luck of the Vails, has since brought the family nothing but ruin and death.

On the eve of his twenty-first birthday, Harry Vail discovers the Luck hidden in the attic of his ancestral home, the family curse is reawoken, and a tale of madness, avarice and murder unfolds.

Murder mystery... Ghost story... Whodunnit. This is a classic detective story from the author of Mapp and Lucia. Crime fiction at its best.