Book 1

Free to Be Yourself

by Steve Goss

Published 18 January 2008
These four short volumes can be read individually but also form a valuable accompaniment to the Freedom in Christ course. Many Christians end up acting as they think a Christian should act - and finding that they simply can't keep it up. They either drop out or burn out. True fruitfulness comes from realising that we became someone completely new the moment we became Christians. Living out the truth of who we now are makes all the difference. The 'eternal life' that Jesus came to give us is not just something we get when we die. It's a whole different quality of life right now, a life which gives us perfect acceptance, phenomenal significance and complete security. Know the truth and choose to believe it and you can be the person you were made to be.

Book 2

Win the Daily Battle

by Steve Goss

Published 18 January 2008
Resist and stand firm in God's strength If you are a Christian you are in a raging battle, whether you like it or not. Your only choice is to stand and fight or to become a casualty. Arrayed against you are the world, the devil and the flesh. They seem formidable. However, once you understand just who you are in Christ and how your enemies work, you can expect to emerge victorious from every skirmish with them. This practical and straightforward book demystifies the spiritual battle so that you can live as the conqueror you now are in Christ.

Book 3

Break Free, Stay Free

by Steve Goss

Published 18 January 2008
Don't let the past hold you back Every Christian has a past. It can hold us back big-time. Those of us carrying a lot of "stuff" know that only too well. But even those who have had a relatively trouble-free existence thus far will benefit from understanding how to identify and resolve past sin and negative influences that stop us moving on. The great news is that Jesus came specifically to resolve past issues. He does not offer to change our past but He does allow us to walk completely free of it (no matter what it is) as we play our part.

Book 4

The You God Planned

by Steve Goss

Published 18 January 2008
Once we have claimed our freedom in Christ, how do we remain in it to ensure that we become the people God is calling us to be? How do we know what God is calling us to be anyway? Are the goals we have for our lives in line with His goals? How on earth do we stop other people getting in the way of our growth to fruitfulness? And how do we avoid getting in their way? The You God Planned answers these questions and shows how we can play our part in the Church, the Bride of Christ, as she prepares herself for His return.