Book 154

New Art of Living

by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Published 26 February 1973

Book 160

"The positive principle is based on the fact that there is always an answer, a right answer, and that positive thinking through a sound intellectual process can always produce that answer." -- Norman Vincent Peale

How do you turn potentially devastating situations into actual life-strengthening experiences? Through the positive principle. In this groundbreaking book, Dr. Peale shows you how to renew and sustain the power of positive thinking...and take a new look at the word impossible. Using the positive principle, you'll learn how to:
Organize your personality forces into action
Use self-repeating enthusiasm
Drop old, tired, gloomy thoughts and habits
Work wonders with a can-do attitude
React creatively to upsetting situations
Believe that nothing can get you down
Use the power of faith to come alive

Book 164


Millions of people worldwide have used the uplifting messages of Dr. Norman Vincent Peale to help them overcome adversity and achieve their life goals. In this remarkable, enriching work, Dr. Peale shows you how you can:

* Solve problems by "imagining a solution" that's already in your mind
* Start a program that will reaffirm and boost your self-confidence
* Build your inner health and vitality
* Use the art of creative anticipation to get what you want from life
* And much more

Drawing on dozens of dramatic, heart-warming stories of people who have transformed their professional and personal lives, Dr. Peale demonstrates his philosophy in action, and shows how it can work for you today.