Secrets In Texas

by Carrie Weaver

Published 1 December 2006

They had a glimpse of heaven...

After the wreck of her marriage, Detective Angel Harrison swore no man would ever control her again. Then she had to infiltrate a dangerous cult, and pretending to be a submissive wife was the only way in. Even worse, her new " husband" quickly aroused feelings ignored for too long.

But first they had to go through hell

Matt Stone had escaped Zion' s Gate, but concern for the sister left behind had him agreeing to the cops' plan to return. Angel was good at playing the subservient wife-so good that he began to worry when the rebellious glint in her eye started to fade. After all, he' d been hoping for a permanent partnership. Assuming, of course, they made it out alive.

Four Little Problems

by Carrie Weaver

Published 9 May 2006
For Patrick Stevens less means more!Patrick Stevens is a great teacher. All of his "kids" say so - except Emily Patterson's oldest son, Jason. Jason is Patrick's lone failure - the one student he couldn't reach.And that's a shame, because when Patrick and Emily are thrown together on a project, Patrick realises he'd really like to get to know Emily better. Now all he has to do is win over her four sons..."You, Me & the Kids" - The more the...merrier!